- Disk Caching
- Gile Compression
- File Decompression
- Internet Hard Drive
- Optical Disc Drive
- Solid-State Storage
- is a mechanism for improving the time it takes to read from or write to a hard disk
- included as part of the hard disk
- can also be a specified portion of random access memory(RAM)
- holds data that has recently been read and, in some cases, adjacent data areas that are likely to be accessed next
File Compression
- also know as Data Compression
- to encode data before sending it to another place
- commonly used when sending a file from one computer to another over a connection that has limited bandwidth
- makes the file smaller and, therefore, the sending of the file is faster
File Decompression
- reverse of file compression-decoding of compressed data to restore the unique data
Internet Hard Drive
- to access user's computer files such as pictures, documents, music, videos, etc. from any computer, as long as that computer has access to the Internet
- unlike local hard drive, an internet hard drive provides unlimited disk space
- lower risk to loose documents
- also known as ODD
- uses laser light or electromagnetic waves to read the data from a disc
- used in computers to read software and consumer media distributed in disc form, and to record discs for archival and data exchange
Solid-State Storage
- also known as SSD
- is a data storage device that uses solid-state memory to store data providing access in the same manner of a traditional hard disk drive
- it contains no mechanical parts, everything is done electronically
- data transfer at a much higher speed
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